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Top 10 search results for "Is it okay to take Effexor along with Vyvanse" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

I take Cymbalta ,One in the day and one at night .It just don't feel like it's helping anymore. I've been taking it for a year now.

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I took Celexa for years and when my mom died it wasn't enough please see your dr. There are better meds that work. Merry Christmas and God bless you 🙏 ❤

Always Wake Up Early 4am

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

I have been diagnosed with depression & GAD and had a relasp for 3 months now.. no improvment at all! Waiting for out patient referral.
Generally I can just about cope with it day to day.
Real problems occur when I wake up at 4am and have little sleep, around 4hours.
Its annoying I have really bad cognitive problems then.
Very hard to read, follow plots on tv, follow directions. It's so debilitating.. Does anyone get this?And what are good ways to cope with it?

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Have you had a good psych eval. I was diagnosed with GAD & depression for years-- fair to poor results. I recently had a major manic and have been diagnosed with bipolar 2. Put on depakote still… read more


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

I take 225 Effexor,does any one have problem with weight gain,

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I think I just read exactly how I feel. I'm on effexor 300 mgs daily. I know I need my meds changed. I have become quite a recluse. I try not to go out of the house at all. The groceries are… read more

Who Works Full Time Or Part Time? How Do You Cope?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

How do you cope working?
How do you handle the stress and when under pressure?

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I work full-time. It has been more difficult to cope with stress and feel under pressure nearly daily--- don't know how to talk to Supervisor about it. My Therapist says I'm in burn-out. I get a… read more

NZ Medication Change Efexor XR To Enlafax

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Good Morning,

About three week's ago when I went to pick up my medication there was a note to say my Venlafaxine (Efexor XR) had been changed to a generic brand of the medication - Enlafax. I didn't think too much of it at the time
I have noticed a drop in my mood, I am increasingly more irritable and angry inside, my thoughts of self-harm and suicide have definitely increased, and I just don't feel "right".
I thought a bit more about what could be causing then then I had a light-bulb moment… read more

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Venlifaxine is the generic name for Effexor.

Shame From Mental Breakdowns TRIGGERING

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

When it all becones to much im overdramatic and i cant take it. i cut and hit myself and cry and i feel so embarassed. im honestly just a mess, ive been drinking and sometimes even blacking out and i get the shakes and sweat and my heart hurts. iv always been overdramatic but it so much on my shoulders right now and i think im stupid because i hate the way i act when im angry i cant control myself i cant breath and i just donw want to be alone in this. please let me know if its normal to act… read more

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

@A MyDepressionTeam Member. I know how difficult it is to deal with an Unmedicated ADHD
Child. My son was ADHD and not medicated because he also had Tourette’s Syndrome and the med made it worse… read more

I Just Realized I Am Getting Psychotic When I Get Angry. Does That Ever Happen To You?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Your mind is trying to play with you
but its your heart that notice the difference
focus on what your ❤ wants and let everybody know xx

Why Does It Seem

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Why does it seem like everyone I know who has depressive disorders almost all was sexually molested and later on in life follows substance abuse? Honestly really? It’s like we’re dealt a bad hand before we are even born.

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Same here. You said Good delivered you from your addiction. I believe God or an angel saved my life many times. I woke up when I should never have.

Anyone Having Doctor Problems?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Does anyone else feel like it is a mission and a half to find a good doctor?

Over the past month, I have seen 4 different doctors and they are all contradicting each other and I feel like none of them take me seriously.

My latest one (the "best" one so far) put me on Pristiq for 2 weeks. After 5 days the side effects were so bad I passed out. I called her and talked to her, now she has this bad attitude that I didn't try hard enough.

She also won't give me any help for insomnia, except for… read more

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Find a new dr. This one is abusive. Yiu deserve better

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Anti Anxiety Medication

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question đź’­

What is the best one out there.

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I think Wellbutrin can raise anxiety. I love it for an antidepressant -- can't function without it. I take klonopin along with gabapentin for anxiety. I've taken Zoloft and buspar for anxiety and… read more