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Top 10 search results for "Exercise" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

How Do You Keep Motivated To Stay Active And Healthy?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

My depression comes in waves and so does anxiety. I used to work out all the time and easy healthy all the time, but as I got older my depression and anxiety got worse. It's like "one week on, one week off" when it comes to exercising and eating right.

How do some of you keep motivated through depression to do some daily exercise?

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Changing the benchmarks. If you don't feel like exercising, just walking the block is a success that day and if you feel motivated, Do it! It doesn't have to be the same each time.

How Do Most Of You Guys Deal With Your Depression

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Spending time with family and friends.

What Does Everyone Do To Get Better Sleep?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

How do I feel in the morning?

I’m 81 And I’m Not Able To Exercise That Much Plus I Do Well To Do Small Jobs Around The House ! I Try To Get Out And Get Groceries And Go

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
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Finding Motivation to Stay Active and Depression Read Article...
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Baby steps are better than no steps.

I Gained 2 And A Half Stone With Mirtazipine. I Don't Like Bring 12 Stone And Size 18 But I Need The Medication.

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I struggle with exercise because I have had 3 compression fractures in my back.

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Weight Gain and Depression Read Article...
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Can you walk? I walk for 45 minutes 4-5 times a week and it does wonders for my wife and I. She’s had a spinal fusion in her mid 30’s and the screw holding them together snapped and if she don’t walk… read more


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

My doctor s and other people says exercise helps with depression... I want too but I am always tired... I do work 40 hrs... But right after I go straight to bed... On my days off I sleep all day... Really frustrating to me... Too a point why Im I a life when all I do is sleep.

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

No. Psychiatrist has me on Risperdal

How Do You Deal With Depression And Fibromyalgia

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭 day at a time 💖 a lot of days r hard but I keep pushing

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I'm so sorry! Try to do some light exercise. I have chronic back pain and exercise has helped me. I also take a daily anti-depressant. I have gone for counseling when needed
I do not plan activities… read more

How Do You Get Motivated For The Day?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

How do you make yourself do things when you have no desire to do them? When you just want to say screw it and leave?

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Most days

What Do U Do If U Can't Exercise

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have many places on my body that I'm limited. I have a bad back, neck, knees arm and feet. So I can't excersise. Does anyone have suggestions?

A MyDepressionTeam Member

Chair yoga.

How Do You Get Out Of A Funk?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

How do I get motivation

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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Motivation is not something you get. It is a choice based on goals and eventual positive outcomes. Make the choice each moment and don't beat yourself up if it's a struggle sometimes. Little steps… read more