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Top 10 search results for "after the manic phase" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Bizarre Dreams On Prozac?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I started taking Prozac a little over three weeks ago. I'm starting to feel better over all, but have noticed that I have very bizarre dreams lately, whereas before I almost never dreamed. I've also been having nightmares, which I haven't had since I was ten. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced strange dreams on Prozac, and if so, how did you deal with them?

A MyDepressionTeam Member

Yes...very vivid dreams mostly not so pleasant. Dr changed my meds

Anyone Ever Switched From Fluoxetine (brand Name Prozac) To Bupropion (name Brand Wellbutrin)?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've been on Fluoxetine for 3 years (in conjunction with Wellbutrin for about a year and a half), and it's worked well for me. I was depressed to the point of daily, frequent suicidal thoughts, and over time the meds I've taken have helped me reach a point where I rarely have a suicidal thought, ever.

However, now that I'm feeling emotionally better, the sexual side effects (in addition to others) of Fluoxetine have been wearing on me, and I've been thinking about switching to another… read more

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I found that you need the combo. I take paxil and Wellbutrin and I thought I could get of paxil and just take the Wellbutrin. That was a mistake. It didn't take long before I started feel sad and… read more

What Is The Difference Between Bipolar 1 & Bipolar 2 ? ...and How Do You Know Which One You Have ?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
Depression Recovery: 6 Signs You’re Making Progress Read Article...
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I am bipolar. Bipolar 1 is when you have more hypomanic or manic episodes and bipolar 2 is when you have more depressive episodes

Changing My Diagnosis

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was wondering if there's much difference between major depression disorder and bipolar 2 disorder? It seems when I see a new psychiatrist it gets changed.
Thanks for the help.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

My diagnosis from the mid 1990s changed from schizoaffective disorder to bipolar disorder about five years ago. Also read some where that there is some flavor of bipolar with a schizoaffective… read more

How Does Anyone Deal Or Handle Bi Polar And Depression? I Believe This Is Why I Have No Friends

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyDepressionTeam Member

@A MyDepressionTeam Member
I do not pretend to have the answer, but when it comes to friends
I see that it is hard on other people who are not bi-polar too because they do not have the… read more

Does Anyone Know If Crying Spells Are Really Part Of The Mania In Bipolar?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyDepressionTeam Member

With mania and depression.

I Have Bipolar Ll And Am Currently Experiencing Some Mania. I'm On An Antidepressant And A Mood Stabilizer. This Is Fairly New And I'm Not

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have bipolar ll and am currently experiencing some mania. I'm on an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer. This is fairly new to me, the bipolar diagnosis. I have suffered from depression for years. I would be grateful to hear how others deal with episodes of mania. It's a bit scary. Thank you!

Types of Bipolar Disorder: Understanding the Difference Read Article...
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I accidentally took my Lithium twice. I was crazy manic. At least I was able to use it to be productive instead of buying out a store

How Do You Handle Manic Episodes

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Never had one thank goodness.

Can A High Sex Drive Be Related To Being Bipolar?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm bipolar and have depression issues. I seem to bounce back and forth frequently. I have times my sex drive is so high, that's all I want to do. I do self medicate with marijuana which increases my sexual desires but it's even high without it. Not just regular sex either, risky sex with pretty much strangers. Is this just me or my condition?

A MyDepressionTeam Member

Yes I was manic during meeting last two boyfriends. I made magic

How Long Has A Panic Attack Lasted For You?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've never had a 6 day panic attack... I have major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, manic depressive, and blah blah blah blah... 🤐😠
😵 But this has never happened.....

A MyDepressionTeam Member

When I was a kid, my attacks were so bad I'd pass out (my mom thought I was just taking a nap when shed see me, until I got a lot older). Now, I do certain things to prevent them including meds and… read more