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Top 10 search results for "Xanax" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

How Do You Deal With Crippling Anxiety

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm bi-polar with a severe anxiety disorder and in recovery so my psychiatrist has me on Buspar and Zyprexa and it doesn't seem to be working. I recently went back to work after not working for over 15 years and have impressed my employer a lot but every morning on my way to work I have a bad anxiety attack, all I am is a prep cook for The Poke Company and I work very hard to calm myself down while I'm working I hum very quietly. I need ideas on how I can calm myself down on my way to work most… read more

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I use a senses technique I ask myself what do I hear,smell,feel,taste and it kinda refocuses my brain,I do it as often as I need,and you can do it anytime anywhere

Does Anyone Take A Combination Of 2 Or 3 Or More, Of Medications?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am taking 60mg Cymbalta per day and 10mg Valium to help me sleep for anxiety and severe depression.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I suffer with bipolar 1 disorder and severe anxiety. I am on latuda, lamictal and cymbalta which is mainly prescribed for my fibromyalgia. I get visteral and xanax for my anxiety. I have been on xanaxread more

Hi Guys.

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

i know you guys are probably tired of hearing it but Im keeping my YT site up if anyone is bored or just interested. Im on cymbalta and Im going to be starting abilify soon so if anyone has any info if it helped or not please shared. Ill be vlogging about it i guess. ill also be making more vids about mental health... Hope You guys are ok. xx i dont know how to share my youtube page but Im right at the top with a picture of my cat.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I take Abilify currently on a 5mg dose. My original dose was 20mg then after awhile I was switched to 10mg. I would say it works for me. It's like a supplement to the antidepressants you are taking. I… read more

Xanax For Sleep

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

Anybody using Xanax for sleep and how effective is it?

A MyDepressionTeam Member

It fake zanax along w ambien . Perfect combo for guaranteed sleep .


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

My doctor checked my Lithium levels and said they were "extremely low." He put me on 300 MG of Lithium XR 3X/day. He did not diagnose me as bipolar but everything I've read indicates that that's what this medication is prescribed for. Does anyone know something I don't? Also, I am perpetually EXHAUSTED!! I also take 2 MG of @Xanax 2X/ day, in addition to @Celexa. (40 MG 2X/ day. I feel like I'm walking in my sleep! Functioning is almost impossible! Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I was placed on an anti-psychotic as one of the benefits of the tablet treated anxiety. I am amazed that anyone in the UK gets prescribed xanax or valium, my GP doesn't want to know.

We Are Traveling To Maine In Our Rv.But My Anxiety Is Thru The Roof. I Dislike Traveling In The Rv. But Love Where We Go In The Rv.

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

We go to see my kids and some of the grands. But I just can't get comfortable on the road. And the further we go the worse it seems. We even taking it slower and stopping more but not helping yet. And we havent even left Texas yet.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

A MyDepressionTeam Member

Try having some Dramamine
Medicine to ease your anxiety
& nervousness.


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

how long does it take to take effect? major depression is still here. i cant stand this anymore. i just want to cut so much. i have to go to the hospital but i regret calling them. i dont want to be stuck up there.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

One thing you can do is take everything you use to cut yourself with, put it in a bag and give it to someone until you can stop. I use to do some things to hurt myself because I thought I was a… read more


A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

How does Xanax relate to klonopin as far as treatment. Are they in the same class that they have the same side effects they have the same benefits tell me the differences between them also

A MyDepressionTeam Member

Xanax and Klonopin are the same class of controlled substance med. They typically aren't taken together. Doses bw the 2 usually vary but, I believe, side effects are similar. I'm not the norm & do… read more

Does Anyone Else Use Medical Marijuana For Anxiety Treatment? In My State, It Is A Legal Option!

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I use a 100mg Edible to combat social anxiety. Without it, my throat locks up and I start leaking tears. This is how my panic attack works. The edible allows my vocal cords to not paralyze but the tear control could use some advice if anyone has any.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I am 54 years old and have been using marijuana weekly since I was 23. My husband passed away when I was 43 and out of all the benzos and other things prescribed, I swear to God the only thing that… read more

Does Anyone Else Take Wellbutrin For Depression?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

Wondering how it is for everyone that take it.

A MyDepressionTeam Member

I was taking Wellbutrin for depression, it helped a great bit until I lost access to that doctor, so I had to start all over on my medicine