DOES Anyone Here Have The Tremors From The Meds They Are On And If So What Do You Do Tostop Them
I had tremors from my meds awhile ago. My doctor changed the prescription and that helped.
Has anyone become dependent on using Klonipin for sleep and had difficulty getting off it?
Does Anyone Take A Combination Of 2 Or 3 Or More, Of Medications?
I am taking 60mg Cymbalta per day and 10mg Valium to help me sleep for anxiety and severe depression.
Who Takes Medication For Depression
I take Paxil,now on 30mg
Trouble Sleeping
I’ve have trouble sleeping staying asleep most night only three hrs sleep. Any hints get good night rest
I take doxepin it's a non narcotic antidepressant that is sometimes used for sleep about 50 to 75 mg and I'm usually out for 4 to 8 hours and there's no hangover
I have been prescribed clonazepam for restless leg sometimes it works to calm the legs sometimes it doesn't
My ex-psychiatrist had me on this awful med for over 12 years. I found out, like other benzodiazepines, it is addicting and can make you drowsy. Somehow I managed to go cold turkey but have a friend… read more
Who Takes Hydroxyzine For Severe Anxiety/ Panic Attacks? What Are Your Thoughts?
Take them as needed they do help
I Need Help To Cope With Bad Depression. I’ve Suffered For Years And Lately It’s Been Getting Worse.
Yeah I do suffer with that. I also feel as if I can’t even think of things that I did enjoy before. I try to think of things to do but nothing seems to interest me
Worry About Everything
I worry about everything, big or small. Always feeling negative. Has increased in past few months out of nowhere. Anyone else?
I know what you mean with my chronic illness, I am in bed a lot or can't do any physical labor,unless it sends me to the hospital. So, its hard to stay busy like that. Seems like I get tired and its… read more