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Should I Declare My Depression To My Employer. Will It Help? Anyone That Have Declared To Their Employer?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pretoria, ZA
April 9, 2019
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I feel like I would just be discriminated against if I admitted my depression to my employer or a potential employer. Anyone else feel this way? Suggestions?

April 27, 2020
A MyDepressionTeam Member

From my experience I would not. It depends how good of a relationship you have with co-workers to begin with and the cultural environment of the company. You can get a Dr certificate and take time off to deal with it if you need, but you do not need to disclose why. Good luck. Oh. Mental health issues is a widely accepted topic these days due to high youth suicide rate especially in sports and high schools.

April 16, 2019
A MyDepressionTeam Member

@A MyDepressionTeam Member YES! I felt that way my entire career. No one ever admitted to being depressed. The only time I had to admit it was at the end. They backed me up into a corner. (Personnel knew cus of many many absences). By then it was too late. Suggestions....don't. Unless there is no possible way out. Good luck to you.

April 27, 2020
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I had to inform them about my daily TMS treatments, as it interfered with my work schedule. I ended up sharing with them my reason for the treatment, tired to not make it sound like a big deal even though it really was. I just told them that I've been dealing with Depression for many years, and medication never worked. Shared with them that the TMS opportunity was available and wanted to pursue it. They were really accommodating, adjusted my work schedule and passed along their best wishes in hoping I felt better soon. I was nervous to share this with them as I just started in January. I did make sure to express that I was very grateful for the position and how it's significantly helped to improve my Depression is many ways. Just thought it was good to reassure them. I think it really depends on the employer though, some are more caring and accommodating than others.

April 19, 2019 (edited)
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Its good to find that someone you can share your ferli gs with but in tbe workplace its difficukt as it tends to cone back to bite you.

April 16, 2019

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