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Is It Possible To Be A Good Employee With Depression?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭

I feel like depression has screwed up 2 jobs for me, now I am feeling the strain in my 3rd too. I try but just have zero motivation to the point where the town clock chimes 10am one monent, 11am the next and I've barely done anything. I am teetering on the edge of dismissal. I feel like every job I get will end this way. Will I ever be good at a job again??

September 17, 2017
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Yes, it is. I think you try harder to gain the praise and approval of others and superiors. I was told I was one of the best employees they ever had. I had to wear a mask and do a lot of pretending. Holding my feelings in, but I strived to make others smile and do the very best I could. I burned out, but I still have to hide behind that mask at home. In summery though. It is very possible.

June 3, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Lucy1 I am or at this Facility was a Nursing Assistant. I came from another Similar Facility. I had seniority when I came over. Got job that quite few of the staff wanted. Well yhen they made my life a living hell where it caused me to have a breakdown and my Dr order me to not work and go on disability which I did for 3 yrs, I just couldn't function normally. Even talking was an effort. This angered me so much, to this day I want to sue Managment of this place and I have become an advocate for on the job bullying. Oh one thing I didn't mention I was even accoused for an incident I didn't do and suspended for 4 days with pay I think that's hoe that went.

February 27, 2020
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Have you read a book called heal your life by Louise hay if not try to get a copy and some of her CD or DVD if you can

June 5, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

It is so hard to pull it together some days! I feel your pain!
I cry in the bathroom at work. I never feel good enough about myself. You cant call in depressed! I am an excellent hard working employee most of the time. Some days I'm overwhelmed with depression anxiety and panic attacks

June 3, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I know I have been a good employee in the past have been at the same job for 15.5 years. It's the last two to three years things seemed to have starting falling apart. Suffered some losses in my life during those years. First the loss of my oldest brother and then 11 months later the loss of my mother. I thought I was coming through some the grief pretty well, when the depression seemed in the last year to kick in to high gear.

To the point I started missing a lot of work just not being able to manage the day to day things basically isolating and shutting down went through IOP and later hospitalized .

Lately it's just I don't care. I just don't want to be there. Trying to figure if it's burn out or or depression or a combo. Motivation is definitely lacking. My anxiety levels are crazy when I am there. I don't socialize with anyone there. So much in my demeanor has changed at least according to my latest work evaluation. They claim I am affecting morale I don't know how when I am there I go in and don't say anything to anyone.

That it even has me questioning my abilities and purpose. I know I am not the same person probably never will be with everything that has gone on. There are days I would love to have the old me back. I know I am lucky to still have a job but I feel like I am under someone's scrutinizing eyes all the time.

I feel like they don't care to understand it's an illness which I can't just pretend and think happy thoughts and it makes it all better especially when I am not or in some case feel nothing.

June 3, 2018

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